Big 6 Model - Dept. of ISLM in Bangladesh

Dept. of Information Science and Library Management Creating Next Generation Leaders for the Knowledge Society.


Monday, December 23, 2019

Big 6 Model

Big6 Eisenberg and Berkowitz Model: 1990

Made by Mike Eisenberg and Robert B. Berkowitz, the Big6 is the most
extensively known and by and large used data training approach to managing
demonstrating data and development aptitudes on the planet. The Big6 is a data and development proficiency show and instructive projects, executed in
countless through cutting edge training. A couple of individuals call the Big6 a data basic reasoning methodology because with the Big6, understudies can
manage any issue, assignment, decision or errand. Big6 is a six-sort out a model
to empower anyone to deal with issues or settle on decisions by using data. Two different sub-stages are a small piece of each essential class in the Big6 show:

Figure-: Big6 Eisenberg and Berkowitz Model
1. Task Definition
    a) Define the information issue
    b) Identify information required
2. Information Seeking Strategies
    a) Determine every single conceivable source
    b) Select the best sources
3. Location and Access
    a) Locate sources
    b) Find information on sources
4. Use of Information
    a) Engage (e.g., read, hear)
    b) Take out important information
5. Synthesis
    a) Organize from various sources
    b) Present the information
6. Assessment
    a) Judge the item (adequacy)
    b) Judge the procedure (effectiveness

(Source: )

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